Business Improvement Associations
Ontario BIA Association |
Leeds Grenville is home to many towns, villages and hamlets. Business Improvement Associations allow local business people and property owners to work together. Business Improvement Associations, along with support from their respective local municipalities, organize, finance and implement plans to improve their areas and promote economic development.
Contact Information:
Ontario BIA Association c/o 280 Queen Street South Mississauga, ON L5M 1M1
Toll Free: 1-866-807-2227
Executive Director: Kay Matthews
Downtown Brockville Business Improvement Area |
Downtown Brockville is home to more than 350 businesses with an array of eclectic shops, vibrant river lifestyle and a good selection of dining. Downtown Brockville Business Improvement Area provides programs that promote and beautify the downtown, tourism and special events.
Area Served: West to Gilmore Street, East to Orchard Street, South to St. Lawrence River and North to James Street.
Contact Information:
Downtown Brockville 3 Market Street West, Suite 2 Brockville, ON K6V 7L2
Telephone: 613-345-3269
Fax: 613-345-4492
Toll Free: 1-877-994-9916
Contact: Jasmine Jasani, Executive Director Email or
Melissa Boulton, Events and Communications Coordinator, and general Information email.
Gananoque Downtown Business Improvement Area |
Works to promote Downtown Gananoque as the vibrant and healthy centre that attracts people to shop, work and gather. They build a sense of pride not only within their area served but through the community.
Area Served:
Contact Information:
Gananoque Business Improvement Area 10 King Street East Gananoque, ON K7G 1E6
Telephone: 613-331-1773
Contact: Penny Stallan, Coordinator email
Downtown Kemptville BIA
Dine and shop in Old Town Kemptville with over 65 shops and businesses overlooking the South Branch of the Rideau Canal. The revitalization of the downtown core is well underway with new businesses opening including specialty shops coupled with fine dining and live entertainment.
Area Served: Prescott Street to south of Mary Street and Clothier Street with the west border of Rideau Street and an east border of Grahame's Bakery.
Contact Information: PO Box 309 Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0
Telephone: 613-258-9569, ext. 401
Executive Director: Deron Johnston, Email.
Downtown Prescott BIA
The BIA strives to advocate, market and facilitate the improvement, long term growth and prosperity of the downtown core. Downtown Prescott is located on the mighty St. Lawrence River with over 70 stores and services.
Area Served: Prescott
Contact Information: 360 Dibble Street West PO Box 1132 Prescott, ON K0E 1T0
Telephone: 613-925-2812, ext. 4001
Coordinator Justin St. Pierre email
Chair Kevin Bunce: 613-803-2970
Chambers of Commerce
The business communities throughout Leeds and Grenville come together to further the interests of businesses located in their area under the umbrella of Chambers of Commerce. Local businesses can become members and elected to their Board of Directors were each Chamber establishes their priorities. Some businesses choose to become a member of more than one Chamber in the region.
1000 Islands Gananoque Chamber of Commerce |
The objective of the chamber is to promote and improve trade and commerce and the cultural, civic and social well-being of the community. It also provides tourist information for the area including a Visitors Guide, Vacation Planner and Lure Brochure.
Areas Served: The Chamber covers Gananoque and the Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands, including the villages of Seeleys Bay, Lyndhurst, Lansdowne, Rockport, Ivy Lea and all points in between.
Contact Information:
Visitors Centre, 10 King Street, Gananoque, ON K7G 2A3
Telephone: 613-382-7744
Fax: 613-382-1585
Toll Free: 1-800-561-1595
Chamber president: Amber Scott
Executive Director: Jan Murray
Brockville and District Chamber of Commerce |
The Chamber has over 560 members and recognized as the "Voice of Business". As a membership based, not-for-profit organization they focus on fostering a competitive business environment through their core functions such as advocacy, networking and recognition events, communication of pertinent business information, value added services and economic department.
Activities Include: Business After Five, Networking Breakfast, Annual Awards Dinner, Golf Tournament, Membership Directory, Customer Service Seminars, Referrals, Tourism, Newsletters and Bulletins.
Areas Served: Brockville and area.
Contact Information:
Brockville and District Chamber of Commerce
3 Market Street West, Suite 1 Brockville, ON K6V 7L2
Telephone: 613-342-6553
Fax: 613-342-6849
Contact: Pam Robertson, Executive Director
E-mail: Executive Director
Frontenac Arch Chamber of Commerce (formerly Lyndhurst, Seeley's Bay & District) |
The villages with the Frontenac Arch, welcome you to explore our local businesses and area. Our area is diverse and full of natural beauty; we offer rugged Canadian Shield landscape with many lakes to enjoy. Our villages are vibrant communities full of spirit.
Activities Include: Membership listings, visitor information, event listings.
Areas Served: The communities of the Frontenac Arch region.
Contact Information:
P.O. Box 89 Lyndhurst, ON K0E 1N0
Telephone: 613-928-2382
Contact: Chantal Valkenborg, President
Email: President
Merrickville and District Chamber of Commerce
Merrickville is a unique historic village known as the Jewel of the Rideau. The Chamber focuses on the strengthening the commercial activity to ensure it vibrant core.
Activities Include: Marketing that includes advertising, events and sponsorship, referrals, consumer service feedback program.
Areas Served: Merrickville and Area
Contact Information:
PO Box 571 446 Main Street West
Merrickville, ON K0G 1N0
Fax: 613-269-3256
President: Trevor Johnson
Email: General info
North Grenville Chamber of Commerce |
The Chamber actively works in retaining and attracting new business through the promotion of trade, commerce, agriculture, and tourism along with the economic development and social well being of the entire community of North Grenville.
Activities Include: Business After Hours, Annual Awards Gala, Golf Tournament, Membership Listings, Member to member discounts, Referrals, Tourism and Bulletins.
Areas Served: Township of North Grenville and Area
Contact Information:
PO Box 1047
5 Clothier Street East Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0
Telephone: 613-258-4838
Fax: 613-258-3801
Contact: Sarah Spear, Executive Assistant
E-mail: Executive Assistant
South Grenville Chamber of Commerce |
The Chamber is committed to Building Bridges to Better Business, making the community a better place to live, work and play. Members have been influential in guiding economic development and tourism along with the quality of life enjoyed within the community.
Activities Include: Annual AGM, Spring Golf Tournament, Summer Member BBQ, Annual Autumn Awards Gala, Membership Listings, Referrals and Bulletins. Monthly Chamber meetings in which all members are always welcome along with any guest they wish to bring.
Areas Served: Prescott, Township of Augusta and Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal.
Contact Information:
1652 County Rd 2, Suite 8, Prescott, ON K0E 1T0
Mailing Address:
PO Box 2000, Prescott, ON K0E 1T0
Telephone: 613-213-1043
Contact: Bonnie Pidgeon Cougler, President
E-mail: Secretary
Ontario Chamber of Commerce
Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Community Development Corporations
Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) support community economic development by assisting communities to strengthen and diversify their economies. As a community-based, not-for-profit, organization, the CFDCs are run by a board of local volunteers and staffed by professionals who encourage entrepreneurship and the pursuit of economic opportunities.
The CFDCs are supported by the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario and offer the following services:
- strategic community planning and socio-economic development;
- support for community-based projects;
- business support services; and
- access to financing.
There are 61 corporations in rural Southern Ontario and Northern Ontario.
Learn more by visiting the Ontario Community Futures Development Corporation website.
Within Leeds and Grenville, three offices are available to serve the region.
1000 Islands Community Development Corporation |
Serving Township of Athens, City of Brockville, Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley, Township of Front of Yonge, Town of Gananoque, Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands.
The 1000 Islands Community Development Corporation works actively to collaborate with our regional partners to strengthen and develop our communities by investing in sustainable economic development, encouraging entrepreneurship and pursuing economic opportunities. They provide the area with financial and consulting service to small and medium-sized businesses.
Contact Information:
3 Market Street West, Suite 3 Brockville, ON K6V 7L2
Telephone: 613-345-6216 Toll Free: 1-800-431-6015
Fax: 613-345-2391
Website: Email:
Community Futures Grenville |
Community Futures Grenville provides business loans, business advice and community economic development support throughout Grenville County Including: Augusta, Edwardsburgh Cardinal, North Grenville, and Prescott.
Business appointments can be scheduled with Business Loans Officer Darren Gallacher using this calendar.
Contact Information:
197 Water Street, Suite 405 PO Box 309 Prescott, ON K0E 1T0
Telephone: 613-925-4275
Website: | Email:
Valley Heartland Community Futures Development Corporation |
Valley Heartland CFDC is dedicated to stimulating job creation, economic growth through business and community development and diversification of small towns and rural communities in the area they service.
Serving Lanark County and North Leeds County Including: Beckwith, Carleton Place, Drummond/North Elmsley, Elizabethtown-Kitley, Lanark Highlands, Merrickville-Wolford, Mississippi Mills, Montague, Perth, Rideau Lakes, Smiths Falls, Tay Valley, Westport
Launch Lab Partnership
Valley Heartland and Launch Lab have developed a partnership and collaborative approach to supporting our entrepreneurs where we host 'intake days' on Thursdays when we bring in prospective clients to meet with Launch Lab for an hour, to see if both the entrepreneur and Launch Lab feel that there is a good fit and where Launch Lab can offer guidance and advice suited to fostering growth and success of the entrepreneur.
Learn more at Launch Lab The Innovation Centre
To schedule your Launch Lab session, call 613-283-7002 ext. 101.
Contact Information:
91 Cornelia Street West Entrance B Smiths Falls, ON K7A 5L3
Telephone: 613-283-7002, ext. 3 Toll Free: 1-888-784-7605 Fax: 613-283-7005
Website: | E-mail:
Eastern Workforce Innovation Board
Contact Information:
23A Mill Street, Gananoque, ON K7G 2L5
Telephone: 613-382-7462 | View their Job Board
Employment Centres
CSE Consulting |
Mapping the Journey to Successful Employment
Our philosophy is to support job seekers who are looking to increase their potential…whether they are members of the general public who would like to increase their business and computer skills, people looking for jobs, career direction or starting their own business, workers who have been injured, or persons with disabilities looking for fulfilling work. Our mission is to help people stay on track and positive through their journey. Our knowledgeable, friendly staff offer information, tools and moral support to prepare you for the next step in your professional life, using proven methods to give you the confidence to put your best foot forward.
CSE is an Employment Ontario Service Provider providing free employment services and supports to job seekers and employers throughout Grenville County. Our Job Seeker services include one-to-one coaching with an Employment Consultant to evaluate needs, develop a detailed plan, and provide support along your employment and training journey. Our Employer Services aim to save employers time and money as we investigate candidates for you, provide professional support in recruiting, selecting, and training new employees, with the potential added value of financial assistance during the training period.
As an ODSP Employment Supports Program Service Provider throughout Leeds & Grenville, we provide individualized employment services for persons with a disability such as pre-employment planning, one-to-one job search assistance, work placements, work related disability supports and job maintenance services.
Prescott Resource Centre
Phone: 613-925-0222
Kemptville Resource Centre Phone: 613-258-6576
Email: or visit for more information.
View their Job Board.
Employment and Education Centre (EEC) |
The Employment and Education Centre (EEC) is a multi-faceted agency which serves the community in various capacities. It offers a wide range of services including employment preparation with trained counselors, workshops, financial coaching, employer subsidies, job development for clients and employers and a staff resource centre to assist clients in their job search. It is partners with the United Way of Leeds and Grenville and Employment Ontario.
For employers, the Employment and Education Centre offers innovative job development and various subsidies to assist in the hiring and training process. Complimentary employer services include the following:
Job Posting on EEC Board (assistance with job descriptions)
Initial pre-screening of "good fit" clients. Employers can interview from these qualified pre-screened clients.
Training Incentive (reimbursed monthly) if client is eligible for employer training incentive for on-the-job training.
Assistance with training plans and placement contract paperwork
Call 1- 800-926-0777 or visit for more information.
View their Job Board.
KEYS Job Centre |
KEYS Job Centre, a not-for-profit community employment centre with offices in Kingston, Gananoque, Elgin and Westport, offers a variety of Employment Ontario programs and services for job seekers and employers.
Continually evolving to meet the needs of a diverse population of job seekers, including mature workers, individuals with disabilities, youth, students and newcomers to Canada, KEYS assists over 5,000 people in finding sustainable and rewarding employment on an annual basis. Helping individuals reach their full potential through career coaching, resume assistance, workshops, job searching, matching and placements and on-the-job training, KEYS also offers access to specialized programs and support, including the Targeted Initiative for Older Workers (TIOW), Second Career, the Ontario Self-Employment Benefit Program and Summer Jobs Service. KEYS' offices in Gananoque, Elgin and Kingston have a staffed resource room to assist individuals with their job search efforts.
All of KEYS' services are offered free of charge and are designed to meet a number of different needs. Assisting individuals who are unemployed, under-employed, just entering the workforce or changing fields, employment counselors are available to help put a plan together to reach employment goals quickly. In addition, KEYS also assists local employers in recruiting, training and retaining staff and supports area businesses with job fairs and information sessions.
Visit their Job Board.
KEYS Job Centre - Elgin 10 Perth Street, Elgin, ON K0G 1E0
Phone: 613-359-1140
Fax: 613-359-1197
KEYS Job Centre - Gananoque 375 William Street South Gananoque ON K7G 1T2
Phone: 613-382-1085
Fax: 613-382-2492
KEYS Job Centre - Westport 43 Bedford Street Westport ON K0G 1X0
Phone: 613-453-7012 or 613-359-1140
Fax: 613-359-1197
For more information visit -
Eastern Workforce Innovation Board
Contact Information:
23A Mill Street, Gananoque, ON K7G 2L5
Telephone: 613-382-7462 | View their Job Board.

Launch Lab
Valley Heartland and Grenville CFDCs host Launch Lab, the Provincially funded Regional Innovation Centre (RIC) for this area, to consult with and advise local businesses, regardless of sector or stage of development, concerning any issue, challenge, or potential opportunity they may be confronting. The objective of the program is to support entrepreneurs and their companies in order to drive prosperity and job creation throughout the region. Please visit the page of the CFDC serving your area for details. |
Leeds Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit
Contact Information:
458 Laurier Blvd., Brockville
Telephone: 613-345-5685
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness and Ministry of Rural Affairs
- Support the growth of Ontario’s agri-food sector
- Provide business support to farmers
- Ensure sustainability of agriculture through research and innovation
- Expand agriculture in the North
- Enforce and improve food safety
- Strengthen Ontario’s rural communities
Small Business Centres
Leeds Grenville Small Business |
Leeds Grenville Small Business is a business resource centre offering information and advice on starting or expanding a small business. It serves the Grenville and South Leeds communities.
Learn more, or contact us.
Small Business Advisory Centre (Smiths Falls / Lanark County / northern Leeds Grenville) |
The Small Business Advisory Centre is a business self-help office that provides professional and confidential advisory services to small business start-ups and ongoing support for existing small businesses. It serves the Lanark County and northern municipalities in Leeds and Grenville, including Merrickville-Wolford, Rideau Lakes and Westport.
Learn more, or contact the Small Business Advisory Centre
South Eastern Regional Tourism Organization (RTO9)
Working together to build tourism revenue. Offering strategic partnership funding, research, and insights on travel trends, and joint opportunities in marketing. Industry webinars, workshops, regional image library resources are also available. Learn more on the RTO 9 industry website. Visit the South Eastern Ontario travel website.