Leeds Grenville, with a population of 100,546 (2016 Census), has 13 dynamic municipalities within its borders. They include 10 townships and three separated cities and towns. All offer an excellent quality of life set over a diverse landscape. Investment and new business is welcome throughout the region. This is an area "Where lifestyle grows Good Business."
There is two-tier governance with the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville being the upper tier level. Counties Council is made up of mayors from each of the member municipalities.
The Counties provide numerous services for its member communities and some to its partner municipalities. Among the services are Paramedic Service, Provincial Offences Act (POA) Administration and Court, Administration and Planning, Corporate Services, Economic Development, Public Works and Roads, Human Services (Community and Social Services), Integrated Program Delivery, Forestry Management and subsidized housing and long-term care homes for seniors. The Counties also operate the Leeds and Grenville Ontario Early Years Centres in Brockville, Kemptville, Prescott and Gananoque.
Connect with our unique communities and learn more about what they have to offer:
Member Communities:
Township of Athens, Township of Augusta, Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal, Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley, Township of Front of Yonge, Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands, Village of Merrickville-Wolford, Municipality of North Grenville, Township of Rideau Lakes, Village of Westport.
City of Brockville, Town of Gananoque, Town of Prescott.
Leeds Grenville Profile:
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