Economic Development Summit 2012
Held November 30, 2012 at the North Grenville Municipal Centre, Kemptville
View presentations in pdf format:
- Leeds Grenville Economic Development Update (4MB)
- Changing How We Do Business - Bios (177KB)
- Zach Treanor, Axleworks, Gananoque
- Colin Goodfellow, Kemptville District Hospital, Kemptville
- Henry Oosterhof, JOBO Farms, Greenbush
- Eastern Ontario Development Fund (EODF) Update (Brian Ritchie - 242 KB)
- Labour Market Trends (Sandra Wright - 299 KB)
- Stepping Forward to Pursue a Sustainable Future - ICSP Update (2.74 MB)
- Game Changers for Leeds Grenville (Susan Fournier, moderator)
- Robert Dalley, Port of Prescott, Johnstown (6 MB)
- Bill Rogerson, Aquatarium, Brockville
- Tom Lawler, CN-CA Eagle Point Winery, Mallorytown (1.2 MB)
- Candid discussions