Tax Rates
Tax and assessment rates vary from municipality to municipality. Please see the Property Taxes page on the Counties website and the links provided below to individual municipality websites. Upper and single tier municipalities are responsible for making tax policy decisions that are sensitive to local needs and priorities on an annual basis.
Within the Counties of Leeds and Grenville the responsibility of setting tax policy has been done in a cooperative approach between the ten local municipal treasurers and Counties staff. Counties council, in turn, has been responsive to the recommendations made and has been proactive in the vision of creating a competitive economic environment in Leeds and Grenville for all property classes.
Once the Counties levy requirements have been determined for the current year, tax rates are calculated for each of the property tax classes (such as residential, industrial, commercial, etc.). In addition to the Counties establishing tax rates for Counties purposes, the Province establishes school board tax rates and each of the local municipalities in Leeds and Grenville establish tax rates for their own purpose.
Counties Tax Rate 2023
Tax rates by municipality:
2023 Tax Rates
The following are links to individual municipal websites and their respective tax rates when available.
Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal
Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley
Township of Front of Yonge (tax rates available upon request)
Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands(County graph)
Village of Merrickville-Wolford
Municipality of North Grenville