Natural Gas
Natural gas, originating in western Canada and transported via Trans Canada Pipe Lines Limited, is in plentiful supply and is distributed to homes and industries in the region by Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc.
Visit the Enbridge website or call their information line at 1-800-263-2212
- The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) approved a change in rates and services available to large volume (commercial) and residential gas customers effective October 1, 2017. These rates are approved on an interim basis.
- Residential customers will have a 5% drop in their annual bill
- For a commercial and industrial heating customer, the changes will result in a decrease of approximately 7% annually.
- The decrease is primarily due to lower natural gas prices in North America.
- Supply prices are based on a forecast of market prices for the next 12 months. The forecasted prices are reviewed every three months and adjusted accordingly.
Gas Supply Charge
- The Gas Supply Charge has decreased from 12.0857 cents per cubic metre ("¢/m³") to 9.8473 ¢/m³.
- The Gas Supply component of the Cost Adjustment is currently a charge of 0.7269 ¢/m³. This charge, combined with the Gas Supply Charge results in a new total effective Gas Supply rate of 10.5742 ¢/m³.