Business Directory Help
Listing your business in the directory is FREE for all businesses within Leeds Grenville.
Who can register?
- All businesses located within Leeds Grenville may be listed in the directory. Register here.
- Companies that ‘service’ Leeds Grenville, but are not located in the geographical boundaries (ie. Ottawa, Osgoode, Perth, Morrisburg, etc.), are not eligible to be listed in the directory.
I need to update my listing, what do I do?
If you have a password, you can login and update your information at any time. If you do not have a password, please send us an email
No password, no problem!
- If you have forgotten your password, visit the Login page, and click to reset your password.
- If you are in the directory, but have never had a password, please send us an email.
Business change or closure? Questions?
If you notice a business that needs an update, you have questions or feedback, please contact us.
We appreciate your assistance, and are here to help!
Coding your business to show up in specific category searches
Your business name and keywords will help, but your listing will also need to be manually coded with NAICS codes for the Business Directory, and Tourism codes for the Tourism Directory. Depending on the services that you offer, you may be coded with more than one NAICS code or Tourism Code.
- NAICS stands for North American Industry Classification System codes. The standard statistical classification codes underlying all establishment-based Federal economic statistics classified by industry for the United States, Mexico and Canada.
- NAICS is one of the search methods used by the Business Directory of our Invest Leeds Grenville website, and partnering member websites.
- Customized Tourism specific coding populates the advanced search categories in the Tourism Directory on the Discover Leeds Grenville portion of our website.
Coding your business to a Tourism Category
- If your business IS listed in the Business Directory, please send an email letting us know which tourism categories you would like to be included in.
- If your business IS NOT listed in the Business Directory, please register. Then send us an email letting us know which Tourism categories you would like to be included in.
How it works
Municipalities currently using our directory on their site include:
- Township of Athens
- Township of Augusta
- City of Brockville
- Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal
- Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley
- Township of Front of Yonge
- Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands
- Village of Merrickville-Wolford
- Municipality of North Grenville
- Township of Rideau Lakes
- Village of Westport
Within these sites, the listings are defaulted to show businesses within their municipality. A search function also allows users to custom search for any business within all of Leeds Grenville, or multiple municipalities - including those that don't have a custom page on their website.
- Search for businesses by name or keyword, Community, Sector or the NAICS category codes.
What will you do with my information?
- We will promote your Leeds Grenville business on our website, and partnering websites, for free. 24-7!
- You choose what's public. If you would like to hide your physical location, or contact name, simply check the box when registering. Your information would remain in the system for office use only, should we need to contact you.
- We will NOT sell your anyone.